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an astrophysicist’s quest for
authentic christianity and patristic credibility
In this blog, I endeavor to articulate the essential purpose of establishing a coherent worldview capable of addressing four fundamental questions of life: origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. Such a worldview must provide a robust apologetic that withstands the most rigorous critiques from philosophy, theology, science, astrophysics, and other academic disciplines. Regardless of whether one's worldview is rooted in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, or pantheistic traditions, the claims made in response to these questions must correspond to objective reality and exhibit logical coherence.

Wesley Jacob
Jan 2654 min read
Progressive Christianity versus Patristic Orthodoxy and the Contemporary United Methodist Church
I. Introduction 1. Theological Scope and Focus Progressive Christianity and Patristic Orthodoxy represent two divergent trajectories...

Wesley Jacob
Jan 2044 min read
From Persecution to Primacy: How Rome Became the Epicenter of Christianity
The transformation of Christianity from a persecuted sect within the Roman Empire to its dominant religious institution is one of the...

Wesley Jacob
Jan 56 min read
The Transcendence of God and the Scandal of the Cross: A Comprehensive Theological and Cosmological Study
The transcendence of God and the scandal of the Cross are foundational elements of Christian theology. Together, they present a paradox...

Wesley Jacob
Jan 329 min read
When Depression Meets God: A Theological, Existential, and Neuroscientific Exploration of Ecclesiastes
This paper explores the theological insights of Ecclesiastes as a framework for understanding depression and emotional regulation,...

Wesley Jacob
Dec 29, 20246 min read
The Ministry of Thorns and Pastoral Ministry in the Postmodern Relativistic Context
This paper investigates the theology of suffering through the lens of Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” (2 Corinthians 12:7-10), juxtaposing it...

Wesley Jacob
Dec 17, 202412 min read
The Shepherd of Hermas and the Wesleyan Revival for Contemporary Ecclesial Renewal: A Comparative and Contextual Analysis of Sanctification, Repentance, and Communal Holiness
Abstract This study offers a robust, interdisciplinary analysis of The Shepherd of Hermas , a seminal text in patristic theology, and...

Wesley Jacob
Nov 29, 20249 min read
Theological Absolutes, Postmodernism, and Astrophysics: Reconciling Cosmic Perspectives and Divine Revelation
Contextualizing 2 Timothy 4:1–8 in a Postmodern and Cosmological Framework Paul’s exhortation in 2 Timothy 4:1–8 to “preach the Word”...

Wesley Jacob
Nov 18, 20245 min read
The Wesleyan Heritage and Contemporary Challenges: A Theological Reflection
Introduction John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, rooted his theology and ministry in the principles of scriptural holiness, personal...

Wesley Jacob
Nov 14, 202411 min read
Personnel is Policy: Theological, Ethical, and Cosmological Dimensions of Institutional Governance
Introducti on The assertion that “Personnel is Policy” transcends the administrative dictum often cited in political and corporate...

Wesley Jacob
Oct 17, 20247 min read
Subalternity: Challenging the Elitist Reconstruction of History, Politics, Economics, Sociology and Cosmology
Reconfiguring the Universe Through Postcolonial Critique, Theological Cosmology, and Astrophysical Discoveries In the intellectual...

Wesley Jacob
Oct 15, 20249 min read
Astrophysics and Faith: The Definitive Intersection of Christian Faith and Contemporary Astrophysics
The unprecedented advancements in astrophysics, coupled with humanity’s growing understanding of the cosmos, challenge and deepen the...

Wesley Jacob
Oct 15, 20247 min read
Christ and the Cosmos: God in an Age of Science The Origin of Species Revisited: An Analysis of the Major Tenets of Evolution, Creation and Intelligent Design
The dialogue between science and theology has long been a nexus of intellectual inquiry, with cosmology and evolutionary biology...

Wesley Jacob
Oct 9, 20245 min read
Lutheran Transgender Pastor: The Bible “Wasn’t Written for 2024” – A Theological and Scholarly Critique
The claim by a Lutheran transgender pastor during an interview on CBS Mornings that the Bible “wasn’t written for 2024” strikes at the...

Wesley Jacob
Sep 26, 20246 min read
Eternal God or Eternal Matter? An Examination of Cosmological Origins in Theological and Scientific Discourse
The inquiry into the universe’s ultimate origin presents a profound crossroads between theology and cosmology, necessitating an...

Wesley Jacob
Jan 17, 20235 min read
The Status of Creationist Research within the Peer-Reviewed Scientific Community: A Critical Analysis
This paper critically engages with the ongoing debate surrounding the exclusion of creationist research from mainstream peer-reviewed...

Wesley Jacob
Jul 27, 20215 min read
The Absurdity of Racism: A Theological Perspective
The problem of racism, when examined through the lens of Christian theology, is revealed as not only morally abhorrent but also...

Wesley Jacob
Jul 27, 20214 min read
Prarthana Charis: A Reflection on Faith, Science, and Miracles
As the pivotal moment of your departure draws near, Prarthana, the significance of this transition - both in our family’s journey and in...

Wesley Jacob
Jun 6, 20205 min read
Reframing Christian Apologetics in the Age of Scientific Discovery and Epistemic Pluralism: A Theological Response to Postmodernity
The advent of postmodernism, with its repudiation of meta-narratives and skepticism towards claims of absolute truth, has fundamentally...

Wesley Jacob
Jun 6, 20205 min read
Revising Christian Worship in the Light of Contemporary Ecclesiology and Cosmology: Toward a Theology of Reverence and Holiness
The question of how Christian worship should be conducted has long been a central concern for the Church. This debate, however, has...

Wesley Jacob
Jun 5, 20206 min read
The Quest for Truth in the Age of Epistemological Shifts: A Scholarly Investigation of Postmodernism and its Implications for Christian Theology
In John 18:38, Pontius Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” epitomizes an enduring epistemological challenge, one that resonates deeply in...
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