point of reference

an astrophysicist’s quest for
authentic christianity and patristic credibility

The Astounding Inter-connectedness of the Universe
100 A.D. to 451 A.D. : a time of great flux, persecution, and theological development
Faith and Science
the findings of science
and the claims of religion
Alleged Discrepancies
Sea of Faith, or Faith at sea?
No absolute truth
except this.
Creation vs Evolution
Disputes about the origins of the Earth, of humanity, and of other life
America’s Culture War
The struggle for dominance of values, beliefs, and practice
The internal workings of language and conceptual systems
Deity of Christ
Assigned Equal Standing: One of the biggest theological debates
Doctrinal Matters
Doctrine inescapable as revealed in Scripture and necessary to life
Existence of God
Creedless Chaos: the philosophy of religion and popular culture
Inspiration of Scripture
Human authors and editors led or influenced by God?
World Religions
Religions: Superficially similar but fundamentally different
The pandemic that crystallized the fragility of human conciousness
Scientific Apologetics
Passive unbelief or Assertive Denials: Truth is by nature exclusive
Ecumenical Creeds
Mainly the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed and the Athanasian Creed